Global Civilizations

The intent of this blog was to show my progress studying the content of the Global Civilizations curriculum I helped produce in 1992. I expected to update it with current examples from my life as time went on.

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Location: Las Vegas, NV, United States

We have been gardening together since the fall of 2001. John sifts the soil and Lee grows the greens. We prefer greens and roots in the winter and harder stemmed veggies in the summer such as peppers and cucumbers. John looks after his worms and tumbles compost. Lee tracks the seeds and the work schedule here in the northwest Mojave Desert.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Seattle World's Fair

Before my conscious memory, our family traveled to Seattle for the World's Fair. Whether we went in 1962 during the fair or in 1963 after the fair needs to be nailed down. I include this here because it seems clearer to me more and more that not only is language learned and personality developed during a child's pre-memory years but the whole spectrum of perception is established.

This is a link to a collector's website. It includes President Kennedy's opening of the fair from Florida.

Next is a short video of a young couple visiting the fair. Notice the couple is alone and everything is new and exciting. This seems to be more the perception and projection of the film maker.

My conscious experience of the fairgrounds was in the 1980's. I was part of a choir which toured that area of the continent and I took the opportunity to visit the remains of the science village. While there, I found a display of probability and statistics which I recently found again on-line. The original display has been dismantled, I'm told, due to lack of parts for repairs. Here is a Java version you can see on your computer.

Finally, in my search, I discovered a movie with Elvis Presley in or about the fair was made. I know nothing about this.

What were significant events in your family's history that happened after you were born but before you remember? How might have these events shaped your early perception of life and selected what was remember-able later on?

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