Global Civilizations

The intent of this blog was to show my progress studying the content of the Global Civilizations curriculum I helped produce in 1992. I expected to update it with current examples from my life as time went on.

My Photo
Location: Las Vegas, NV, United States

We have been gardening together since the fall of 2001. John sifts the soil and Lee grows the greens. We prefer greens and roots in the winter and harder stemmed veggies in the summer such as peppers and cucumbers. John looks after his worms and tumbles compost. Lee tracks the seeds and the work schedule here in the northwest Mojave Desert.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

No more fear and loathing in Las Vegas

Context?  I'm somewhere else and have been for the life of Las Vegas that is publicly known.  I was born and raised here.  UNVL Oral History Project recorded my brief oral history last Thursday.  I'll get the proofs in two more weeks to check for the spelling of the foreign cities and towns I've visited.

Today I have one thought to share before I get to work.  "We cannot love what we do not appreciate, and fear makes appreciation impossible" (My psychological fitness text, chapter 6, paragraph 24).

I have just moved three boxes of VHS tapes into safe storage.  I hope the content will be widely available to all after this summer.


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