Global Civilizations

The intent of this blog was to show my progress studying the content of the Global Civilizations curriculum I helped produce in 1992. I expected to update it with current examples from my life as time went on.

My Photo
Location: Las Vegas, NV, United States

We have been gardening together since the fall of 2001. John sifts the soil and Lee grows the greens. We prefer greens and roots in the winter and harder stemmed veggies in the summer such as peppers and cucumbers. John looks after his worms and tumbles compost. Lee tracks the seeds and the work schedule here in the northwest Mojave Desert.

Friday, September 23, 2011

30-year College Reunion

My 30th year college reunion is coming up next month. I am excited but perplexed.

I am excited because I feel I really like these people and would like to see them face to face again. I am perplexed because as excited as I am, it does not look as I will be able to come. For this reason, I am all the more ready to put my thoughts on "paper" to see what we can accomplish between now and then.

Two things come to mind. One is the cultural gap between my home town and the college culture where I attended. Popular culture was an interest of my first roommate. I anticipate that more will be explored in that arena as time goes on.

Secondly, after college, I experienced a different educational structure in a monastic order. I would like very much to see the best of this experience explored by my college. I think there could be much mutual beneficent sharing by both parties in that exchange. It also just so happens that the monastery was being founded during our college years. I think there could be great interest in "the rest of the story."